An ever-evolving list of the courses and books I've studied. My favourites are in bold. Last updated on 31st Dec 2023.
Ben’s course – Donation – 2023
Dopamine and circadian nutrition – £286 – 2023
Jason Christoff – How our subconscious mind gets hacked by media – £235 – 2023
Acquisition course – Free – 2023
Hemi Sync Gateway experience – Free – 2023
Rusty EMF Guide – £30 – 2023
Jack Kruse Patreon Posts – £10 – 2023
GrimHood Patreon Posts – £10 – 2023
Alexander Technique — £2290 – 2022
Masculine Theory – £50 – 2022
Blue light course – £80 – 2022
Bitcoin Academy – Free – 2022
UX Writing course – Free – 2022
Bitcoin playbook – Free – 2021
PGCE – £9K – 2020
Purposeful Investing – 5 week course – Free – 2019
Jordan Peterson Self-Authoring Course – £20 – 2018
Revolution Hive Training – 2 Years – £1464 – 2017
Author Audience Affluence – £410 – 2017
Breathe University – £500 – 2017
All Books Read
Most health books are practical. They change your day-to-day habits or cause you to make a significant change.
1. What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You
2. Chocolate Busters – Easy way to kick it
3. Strategies for a Stronger Nervous System
4. The Voice of the Body
5. Unlock your Hip Flexors
6. The Unchained Life Manual: 16 Biohacks to Upgrade Body, Mind, and Spirit
7. The 4 Layers of Strength
8. Earthing
9. Eating Less
10. PEMF
12. Wu Wei Lean
13. Superfoods
14. 4 Hour Body
15. In Defense of Food
16. Superfoods
17. Starting Strength
18. The End of Overeating
19. The 100-year lie
21. The Omnivore’s Dilemma
22. The 150 Healthiest Foods
23. Beyond Brawn
24. The Paleo Solution
25. The Starch Solution
26. The Primal Blueprint
27. Water For Health
28. 101 Facts You Should Know About Food
30. The Vitamin D Revolution
31. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle
32. The Metabolic Typing Diet
34. Miraculous Results of High Dose D3
35. Diet Recovery
36. Soccer Tough
37. Plantar Fasciitis Survival Guide
39. Eat for Heat
40. Transition-Based Soccer Training
41. Mini Habits for Weight Loss
42. Understanding Metabolism
43. Brain Candy
44. Fear of Life – Alexandre Lowen
45. Narcissism – Alexandre Lowen
48. Bioenergetics
49. EMF*D: 5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself
50. The Alexander Technique Manual: Take Control of Your Posture and Your Life
51. The Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Transform Your Health from Morning to Midnight
52. ARTHRITIS – The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me.: Healing The Pain Of Psoriatic And Rheumatoid Arthritis And How Autoimmunity Can Heal Your Body And Soul – Phil Escot
53. Epi-paleo Rx: The Prescription for Disease Reversal and Optimal Health – Jack Kruse
54. Eat Right 4 Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight – D’Adamo, Peter J
Soul books make you look beyond the surface. They help to put things into perspective.
1. In Search of the Miraculous
2. The 5 Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die
3. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
4. Reclaim Your Heart: Personal Insights on Breaking Free from Life’s Shackles
5. Reality Unveiled – Ziad Masri
6. The Way to Love – Anthony de Mello
6. Inner Engineering
7. Fuck it: The ultimate spiritual way
8. The mastery of love
9. The Spirits Book
10. Ayahuasca: Soul Medicine
11. Iboga: The visionary root of African shamanism
12. Smile at Fear
13. The Wisdom of Insecurity
14. The Denial of Death
15. Dropping Ashes on the Buddha
16. Be here Now
17. Rumi Tales of the Spirit
18. Get some headspace
19. Tuesdays with Morrie
20. Get conscious
21. A Course in Miracles (audio)
22. Letting go: the pathway to surrender
23. This is water
24. The theory of eternal life
25. Entering the 21st century spiritually
26. Healing with Iboga
27. The Universe doesn’t give a **** about you
28. Slowing down to the speed of life
29. Being Here
30. The doors of Perception
31. Reiki Tummo: an effective technique
32. Doing nothing: coming to the end of the spiritual search
33. Tryptamine palace: 5-MeO-DMT and the Sonoran Desert Toad
34. Fringe Knowledge for Beginners
35. Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
36. The Diamond Sutra
37. Transformation of Karmic Patterns, Volume I: The Purification of Individual Limiting Influences
38. The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love
1. Falun Gong
2. Zhan Falun
1. Revelation: Josephs message
2. The Fall
3. Your Life after Death
Neal Donald Walsch (audio)
1. Conversations with God I, II, III
2. What god said
Thich Nhat Hanh
1. How to Love
2. Peace is every Step
3. Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting through Storm
4. How to communicate – Thich Nhat Hanh
Non-dual books make you look deeper into your state of consciousness and essence. They’re psychedelic.
E Tolle
1. Transmuting suffering into peace
2. Sustaining Presence in the face of Catastophe
3. The Power of Now
4. The Journey into Yourself
5. Becoming a teacher of presence
6. At the Source of Being
7. The Illusion of Time
8. Practicing Presence: A Guide for the Spiritual Teacher and Health Practitioner
9. For Those Who Serve: Practical Guidance for Being of Benefit to Others
10. Miltons Secret
11. Eckhart Tolle on Great Western Classics
12. Gateways to Now
13. A New Earth
14. Realizing the Power of Now
15. Practicing the Power of Now
16. Conscious Evolution: How to Embrace Our Challenges and Opportunities in a New Era for Humanity
17. Eckhart Tolle’s Findhorn Retreat: Stillness Amidst the World
18. Journeys into Stillness: Experience Eckhart Tolle Guided Meditations with Hemi-Sync
19. The Secret of Happiness: Discovering the Source of Contentment, Peace, and Joy
20. Breaking the Habit of Negative Thinking and Self-Talk
21. Forgiveness Is Freeing: Teachings to Let Go of Judgments and Conflict
22. The Doorway into Now
23. Living the Liberated Life and Dealing with the Pain-Body
24. Through the Open Door: To the Vastness of Your True Being
1. Rupert Spira: Being Aware of Being Aware
2. Tao Te Ching
AH Almaas
1. Endless Enlightenment: The View of Totality in the Diamond Approach – Audiobook
2. Illuminated Mind
3. Elements of the Real in Man – Diamond Heart 1
4. The Freedom to Be – Diamond Heart 2
5. Being and the Meaning of Life – Diamond Heart 3
6. Indestructible Innocence – Diamond Heart 4
7. Inexhaustible Mystery – Diamond Heart 5
8. The Diamond Approach – Audiobook
Jed McKenna
1. Spiritual Enlightenment: The Damnedest Thing
Books focused on human character and psychology help you understand people and yourself more.
1. Emotional Intelligence 2.0
2. King Warrior Magician Lover
3. H Factor of Personality
4. Strengthsfinder 2.0
5. INFJ: Understanding and Relating with the Counsellor
6. The Wisdom of the Ennegram
7. The way of men – Jack Donovan
10. Healing the Child Within – Charles L. Whitfield
11. 6 Pillars of Self-Esteem – Nathaniel Branden
12. Smile at Fear – Shogham Trungpa
13. Love Yourself – Kamel Ravikant
14. Little Book of Contentment – Leo
15. Healing the Child Within
16. The Primal Scream
17. Instant Confidence
18. What to Say When You Talk to Yourself
19. Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It
20. Psychocybernetics
21. You Can Heal Your Life
22. The Happiness Advantage
23. The Happiness Project
24. Stumbling on Happiness – D. Gilbert
Conspiracy books shake your reality apart. I also mean esoteric books. Anything that goes against the status quo aligns with my rebelious side.
1. The Unabomber Manifesto
2. Confessions of an Economic Hitman
3. My Ishmael
4. Brandwashed (Marketing)
5. The most dangerous superstition
6. The Man in the Red Underpants
7. Goals Suck
8. Hidden
9. The Trap: What it is. How it works. And how we escape its illusions
10. Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success – Napoleon Hill
Female authors.
Books from females are a great counterbalance to all the books I read. They give an insight into the more feminine aspects of life.
Diane Kathrie
1. How to Heal Leaky Aura
2. 7 Secrets of the Sensitive
3. Traits of an Empath Uncovered: Discover who you are and why you’re here
4. Empath Power: Grounding, Healing and Protection for your Life
5. The Empath Awakening: Navigating Life in the Sensitive Lane
6. Become the Super-Empowered Empath You Were Born to Be
Laura Vanderkam
1. What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend
2. What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
3. 168 Hours
1. Bringing Up Bébé – Pamela Druckerman
2. The Gifts of Imperfection – Brené Brown
3. Daring Greatly – Brené Brown
4. Loving What Is – Byron Katie
5. Understanding Human Design
6. Human design: How to discover the real you
7. The INFJ personality
8. Quiet: The Power of Introverts
8. The Gifts of Imperfection
9. The Highly Sensitive Person
10. The Case Against 20s As Your Defining Decade
11. When food is love
12. Nourishing traditions
13. Weight Management – Beata Justkowiak
14. Eating less: Gillian Riley
15. The magnesium miracle – Carolyn dean
16. Take a Nap – Sara C Mednick
17. Healing with Iboga – Holly Steina
18. Mindset: Psychology for success – Carol Dweck
19. The Power of Patience: How This Old-Fashioned Virtue Can Improve Your Life
20. I need your Love – Byron katie
21. Ask and it is given
22. Big Magic
23. Universe has your back – Gabrielle Bernstein
24. Outrageous Openess
25. The joy of less
26. Open Up: Why Talking About Money Will Change Your Life
27. The Easiest way – Mabel Katz
28. Time to Think – Nancy Kline
29. Codependent No More – Melody Beattie
30. Creative Visualization – Shakti Gawain
31. Why Men Love Bitches – Sherry Argov
32. Reclaim Your Heart: Personal Insights on Breaking Free from Life’s Shackles – Mogahed, Yasmin
We are electrical beings. The universe operates based on the principles of electricity. I am looking forward to reading more about this subject.
1. The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
2. Health and Light: The Extraordinary Study that Shows How Light Affects Your Health and Emotional Well Being
3. The Book of 528: Prosperity Key and Love
Religion is more important than modernism suggests.
1. Forbidden prophecies – Zakariya, Abu
2. The Muslim Narcissist – Alyedreeesy, Dr. Mona
3. Abstinence in Islam
Al-Aghazali, Abu Hamid
4. The Key To Understanding Islam – Al-Sheha, Abdul Rahman Abdul Ka
5. Futuwwah and raising males into sacred manhood – Walid, Dawud
6. The Man in the red underpants – Green, A.R
In an overly sexualised world, chastiy becomes even more valuable and paramount for the good of society.
1. Practice of Brachayama
2. The sexual system and its derangements
3. Modern biological theory
4. Bliss of the celibate
5. Sexual force or the winged dragon
6. Succsex: Success through sex transmutation
7. Why you should NEVER masturbate?: The biggest discovery in medical science uncovering the secrets, and how it is depleting human health and what are its devastating ripple-effects.
Archive – No Longer Reading in these Categories
I’ve stopped reading fiction books because I’d rather read non-fiction. I also read hundreds of them when I was a child so I’m pretty satiated.
1. Way of the Peaceful Warrior
2. The curious incident of the dog in the night time
3. Monk who sold his Ferrari – Robin Sharma
4. Perfume the story of a murderer
5. Donnie Brasco – Joseph D Pistone
6. Eragon
7. The Alchemist
8. Siddhartha
9. How to get filthy rich in rising asia
10. Who Moved my Cheese – Spencer Johnson
11. How to get filthy rich – Mohsin Hamid
12. Eat Pray Love – Elizabeth Gilbert
13. Manuscript found in Accra – P Coelho
14. Sleep Tight – Rachel Abott
15. Veronica decides to Die – P Coelho #2012
16. My Ishmael – Daniel Quinn #2012
18. Point Blanc – Anthony Horowitz
19. Skeleton Key – Anthony Horowitz
20. Eagle Strike – Anthony Horowitz
21. Ark Angel – Anthony Horowitz
22. Scorpia – Anthony Horowitz
23. Snakehead – Anthony Horowitz
24. Stormbreak – Anthony Horowitz
25. Mr Monk goes to Hawaii – Lee Goldberg
26. The Monk and the Riddle – Randy Komisar
27. Mr Monk and the two assistants -Lee Goldberg
28. Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
I don’t need to read any more of these books because most of them are repeating the same principles. I’m also quite satisfied with how I’m engaging with my habits and how they’re developing.
Stephen R.Covey
1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
2. First Things First
Benjamin Hardy
1. Willpower doesn’t Work
2. Slipstream Time Hacking
3. How to Consciously design your future
Steven Pressfield
1. The War of Art
2. Turning Pro
3. Do the Work
Brian Tracy
1. Eat that Frog
2. No Excuses: Power of Self-Discipline
3. Time Management Made Simple
Stephen Guise
1. Mini Habits
2. How to Be an Imperfectionist
3. Mini Habits for Weight Loss
Zig Ziglar
1. How to Stay Motivated – Volume
2. How to Stay Motivated – Volume
3. How to Stay Motivated – Volume
4. How to Stay Motivated
5. How to stay Motivated Goals
6. Changing the picture
Jim Rohn
1. Living an Exceptional Life
2. My Philosophy for Successful Living
3. The Power of Ambition
4. My Philosophy for Successful living
1. The Slight Edge
2. Daily Rituals
3. Mastery – Robert Greene
4. Relentless – Tim Grover
5. Time Warrior – Steve Chandler
6. The Checklist Manifesto – Atul Gawande
7. GTD – David Allen
8. Igikai
9. The Magic of Thinking Big – David J Shwartz
10. Own the day own your life
11. Barking up the wrong tree
12. The Laws of Lifetime Growth
13. Maximum Willpower
14. Obstacle is the Way
15. Tools of Titans
16. The Secret to Success – E.T
17. Triggers
18. The Willpower Instinct
19. Superhuman by Habit
20. Motivation Manifesto – Brendon Burchard
21. 10x rule – Grant Cardone
22. Why your life sucks – Alan Cohen
23. Awaken the Giant Within – Tony Robbins
24. Unlimited Power – Tony Robbins
25. Obstacle is the Way – Ryan Holiday
26. Scrum – Jeff Sutherland
27. Level up your day – SJ Scott
28. How to Fail at Almost Everything and still Win big
29. Focus – Leo Babauta
30. 12 Rules for Life*
31. It’s not How Good You Are
32. The Chimp Paradox
33. If you’re so smart why aren’t you happy
34. Ego is the enemy
35. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
36. Art of thinking clearly – Rolf Dobelli
37. Thinking Fast and Slow
38. King – E.H.
I don’t need to read any more of these books because most of them are repeating the same principles. I’m also quite satisfied with my current mindset and how it’s developing.
1. Antifragile
2. Blink
3. The Subtle Art of not giving a ****
4. Everything is Fucked
5. Homo Deus: History of Tomorrow
6. Biology of Belief – Bruce Lipton
7. The Brain: Story of You
8. Why your Life Sucks
9. The Selfish Gene
10. Virus of the Mind
12. The Tipping Point
13. The Art of Thinking Clearly
14. Laziness does not exist
15. Optionality: How to survive and thrive in a volatile world
16. Managing oneself
17. Hyperfocus: How to Be More Productive in a World of Distraction
18. The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level
These books were really helpful during a particular period of my life. They made me aware of certain things that I would have never found out on my own. But I now know the most important principles when it comes to friendships and romantic relationships.
1. The Rational Male
2. The Rational Male II
3. The Rational Male III
4. Never Eat Alone
5. The Definitive Book of Body Language
6. What Everybody is Saying
7. Social: Why our brains are wired to connect
8. Conversationally Speaking
9. How to Win Friends and Influence People
10. No More Mr Nice Guy
11. Necessary Endings
12. Hidden
13. Hidden
14. Hidden
15. Hidden
16. Hidden
17. Hidden
18. The Book of Numbers: Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women
of these books are scams. Reading about how to achieve goals doesn’t make you likelier to achieve them. I wish I never wasted my time with most of these.
1. Living Forward
2. Vagabonding
1. Secrets of Power of intention – W.Dyer
2. The Power of Intention – Wayne W. Dyer
3. Desire Map – Danielle LaPorte
4. Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra
5. Build your own computer
6. Super Accelerated Living
7. Think Small
8. Your Wish is your Command
9. The Strangest Secret
10. The Art of Possibility
11. I hope they serve Beer in Hell
12. Thailand – Culture Smart
13. Life Nomadic – How to travel the World
14. Feeling is the Secret
15. Prayer: The Art of Believing
16. The Gap and The Gain: The High Achievers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success
I find these books hard to digest because of the way they’re written. They’re clunky and overly formal. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius was a notable exception. But overall, I think stoicism is overrated.
1. As a man thinketh – James Allen
2. Meditations – Marcus Aurelius
3. A Guide to the Good Life: Ancient Art of Stoic Joy
4. The Daily Stoic
5. Enchiridion – Epictetus
6. A guide to the good life – William B Irvine
7. On the Shortness of Life
Out of all the book categories, I’d say these books have most influenced my life philosophy. They’ve helped me focus on what’s essential. I genuinely love these books for everything they represent. They’re the antithesis of the bullshit in this world. I wish more people read books like these. Although, I don’t feel the need to read anymore of these books.
1. A day in the life of a minimalist
2. Simplicity: Essays
3. Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life
4. Essential: Essays by the Minimalists
5. Your Brain on Porn
6. Minimalism: Essential Essays
7. Everything that remains
8. Ten Arguments for Deleting your Social Media
10. Digital Minimalism
11. The Power of Less
12. The Shallows
13. Focus: Leo Babauta
14. Simplify – 7 Guiding Principles
15. The Power of No
16. The Effortless Life
17. Essentialism
18. The One Skill – Leo Babauta
19. The One Thing
Most of these books are scams. Reading about how to get rich doesn’t make you richer. Wish I never wasted my time with these. These books are only useful to the degree that they inspire you to act. The bold books are the exceptions. I don’t feel the need to read anymore of these books.
1. The Illusion of Money
2. Nomad capitalist: How to reclaim your freedom with offshore bank accounts
3. The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A Guide to Wealth and Happiness
5. The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age
6. When Money Dies: The Nightmare of the Weimar Hyper-inflation
7. The Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired, Unemployed and Overworked
8. Millionaire Fastlane
9. The Millionaire Next Door
10. Your Money or your Life
11. The Science of Getting Rich
12. The psychology of money
13. The 21 Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires
14. The Art of Non-Conformity
15. The Richest Man in Babylon
16. Creating Abundance
17. I will teach you to be Rich
18. 279 Days to Overnight Success
19. The Minimalist Budget
20. Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth
21. Think and Grow Rich
22. The Secrets of Power Negotiation
23. Acres of Diamonds
24. Teach and Grow Rich
25. Money – Robert Moore
26. The Rich Employee
27. How to buy your first Home
28. How to become a Model
29. The Well-Fed Writer
30. The Choose Yourself Stories
31. Choose Yourself
32. The 4 Minute Millionaire: 44 Lessons to Rethink Money, Invest Wisely, and Grow Wealthy in 4 Minutes a Day
1. Crypto Investor Mindset – Principles for avoiding mistakes in thinking when investing in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
2. The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking
3. Trading Wisdom: 50 lessons every trader should know
Most of these books are scams. Reading about how to build a business is a pointless exersice. These books are only useful to the degree that they inspire you to act. The bold books are the exceptions. I don’t feel the need to read anymore of these books.
1. Deep Work
2. The 4 Hour Workweek
3. Well-fed writer – Peter Bowerman
4. Book Launch – S Chandler
5. Zero to 1000 Subs – Benjamin Hardy
6. Real Artists Don’t Starve – Jeff Goins
7. You are a Writer – Jeff Goins
8. Elements of Style – William Strunk Jr
9. 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing – Jack Trout + Al Ries
10. Show your work – Austin Kleon
11. Tipping Point – Malcolm Gladwell
12. Art of non-conformity – C. Gillibeau
13. Thank You Economy – Gary Vee
14. Crush it – Gary Vee
15. Ask GaryVee – Gary Vee
16. The 7-Day Startup
17. Zero to One
18. The E-Myth Revisited
19. Dotcom Secrets
20. The End of Jobs
21. The Daily Entrepreneur
22. From Zero to Thousands of Target Blog Subscribers
23. Book Launch
24. Level up your Day
25. Become a Key Person of Influence
26. How to be a Model
27. Start with Why
28. Story Driven
29. On Writing Well
30. The Elements of Style
31. Real Artists Don’t Starve
32. Become an Idea Machine
33. Nobody wants to read your shit
34. You Are a Writer
35. Rework
36. Messy
The reason why Can’t Hurt Me is the best biography in this list is because it’s full of yang energy. I’ve read too many yin books and needed a bit more fire in my reading. Also, the author isn’t really a Hollywood A-list celebrity. I don’t particularly enjoy diving deep into the lives of top celebrities, which is why I don’t read books from this category anymore.
1. Can’t Hurt Me: Master your Mind and Defy the Odds
2. The Secret to Success – Eric Thomas
3. Elon Musk – Ashlee Vance
4. Selfish Gene – R Dawkins
5. Total Recall – A.Schwarzenneger
6. Steve Jobs – Walter Isacsson
7. Commitment – Didier Drogba
8. Autobiography of Malcolm X
9. An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth
10. Art of Happiness – Dalai Lama
11. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
12. Kant: Philosophy in an Hour
13. Jordanetics: A Journey into the Mind of Humanity’s Greatest Thinker