
xHabits Samy Felice Content Strategist

Digital Detox in 14 Days or Less

We live in a unique time. Knowledge is readily accessible online to anyone who wants it. 

The problem: content has been weaponised. Meanwhile, most of us overconsume. We don’t assimilate and use information effectively.

YouTube videos. Podcasts. Articles. You name it.

When misused, these portals lead to several consequences. 

Procrastination. Brain fog. Paralysis by analysis.

Our attention is captured and our individual capacity to shape our reality becomes subdued.

Online content only brings positive change if it’s nuanced, relevant and applied.

Left to our own devices, precious time will always get wasted online. 

Being a content consumer is easy. 

Becoming a discerning learner and action-taker requires something else.

xHabits Samy Felice Content Strategist

The xHabits factor

Being able to cut the noise (distraction) from signal (good) leads to a clear mind.

This clarity propels you to move towards your goals with precision.

You get the most out of cutting the negative.

“In practice, it’s the negative that’s used by the pros. The learning of life is about what to avoid” – Nassim Taleb. 

xHabits uses refined mechanisms to cut your content consumption to what matters most – while helping you distil key actionables from what you do consume.

Separate yourself from the masses. Say goodbye to information overload. 

xHabits Samy Felice Content Strategist


1. Access to premium, minimalist, practical book summaries. PDF + audio for each week of the year. Each summary is designed to help you identify and eliminate the habits that lead to burnout. 

2. A 7-day pro trial for ColdTurkey Pro + 20% off (computer site blocking software).

3. Guides on how to set up the best systems on your devices to achieve minimal overwhelm. 

4. An inclusive 45-minute walkthrough call. This service won’t end up as something you buy and forget about.

The Truth

With algorithms that hijack your will and seemingly never-ending sources of stimuli, building awareness of your content diet has never been more important.

This is especially true for internet entrepreneurs, writers and freelancers.

There are many ingredients needed on the path to ‘exiting the matrix’. 

One of the least talked about is: reducing your intake of information to what’s most important – so that you can spend more time in silence – connecting to your inner wisdom. 


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